Getting started with Flutter for IntelliJ

Simon O'Toole
8 min readFeb 4, 2021

Google’s Flutter has quickly emerged as a market-leading cross-platform development framework. Recently adding web to the list of supported targets (still in beta), Flutter is giving even the most established competitors a run for their money.

Visual Studio Code has also seen a monumental rise to prominence, greatly due to it’s simplicity. It’s popularity has often seen instructional resources bias towards Visual Studio Code, much to the chagrin of those who prefer more feature-rich IDE’s.

A plethora of articles and videos instruct on Flutter using Visual Studio Code, yet two other IDE’s are officially supported by the Flutter team. Those IDE’s are IntelliJ (pronounced In-tell-ih-jay) and Emacs (pronounced E-Max). With this series of articles, I hope to shed light on how to set up and get the most out of the Flutter/IntelliJ development environment.

This article, being the first in the series, instructs how to install and configure the base development environment. The following instructions are written in detail to allow even the very beginner to follow along.

In future articles in this series, we will demonstrate how to perform common tasks in IntelliJ that are important to Flutter development, such as code formatting and remote deployment.

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In this article…



Simon O'Toole

Solution Architect with a passion for design, QA and emerging technologies